Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Bush, I mean Jesus, speaks…..

Bush, I mean Jesus, speaks…..

In the 2004 elections I wondered why George W. Bush had been reelected. I asked people I knew to be true conservatives, and they said simply, “he messed it up, he can fix it.” This is not a line of reasoning that I agree with, but I can somewhat understand it. The Egyptian people feel the same way about Mubarak. So I’m acclimating to the idea.

But today I saw Jesus Camp, a 2006 documentary directed by Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady. The film was nominated for an Academy Award, and talks about evangelical Christians in the United States. It’s extremely disturbing on many levels. Brainwashing kids into thinking they should learn to be soldiers like little Muslim kids with bombs was shocking. As was the extremely young children claiming to be “saved” and crying to atone for their sins. However, when the little old lady presented President George W. Bush to the children as their guest for the day, I was floored. My Coptic friend walked out of the showing muttering “I can’t take this anymore.” When I asked him later why. He said, “This is where I draw the line at the misrepresentation of Christianity and the teachings of Jesus Christ.”

It interests me greatly that the ruler of the superpower of the world who claims to fight fundamentalism on a daily basis, is a fundamentalist himself. Only instead of shouting “Allahu Akbar!”, his thirty million followers (25% of the voting population) shout Jesus. According to the documentary Ted Haggard, head pastor of the evangelist Christians, speaks to President Bush every Monday. He says clearly “we have the numbers to change an election.” So what you are telling me Mr. Haggard is that the people of this world are looking towards a war between fundamentalists? Boy am I excited……….

What ignorance has been bestowed upon the people of our time to think that only black and white exists? When did we forget about color? I would say it’s leadership, and I am still convinced leadership is the backbone. Thirty five million people in America can make a heck of a difference though. The people in the United States are beginning to see a huge social problem. Their population is either what was captured and perhaps exaggerated somewhat in the film. (Although I have watched Ted Haggard’s show, and they do speak in tongue and are carried away after they get “saved”). Or they are the single homosexual mom that had their baby in a test tube. They have no regard for the natural order of things, or the way the world has been working for centuries at an end.

I don’t even know what to say to people anymore. Fundamentalist Muslims are trying to live the Ottoman dream by conquering the earth and spreading the word of Allah by force. The Christian fundamentalists seem to be using economic and military power to try to take over the world. Then there are the Jewish fundamentals, which kill women and children everyday so they can stay in a land they just decided they wanted.

Where did all the sane people go? Where did all the strong nations go? We have nationalism, but we lost pride. People don’t stand together anymore. We keep letting the loudest have the most control. Now we don’t know what to do.

For a more indepth review of the movie: (for) (against)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.